Delays, issues and life pulling the usual bullcrap.

Hello there. It's quite unfortunate but I have some bad news. There is a high chance that I will not be able to release any new content this month. 

My laptop has been acting up for quite sometime but it had put up quite a fierce struggle through it all. Which is why I  actually find it quite surprising that what gave out first was it's charger instead of it's graphics card. 

Because of said issue, I unfortunately won't be able release anything until I get my paycheck at the end of the month and along with the new charger, I'm also planning on buying a new battery for it.

I was really hoping that this would not happen until I had built a strong enough following that wouldn't disappear and forget about my VN after some delays but as usual, life is a cruel mistress that seems to enjoy throwing wrenches in my plans. 

In conclusion, I am truly sorry about the forthcoming delays and I really hope you guys won't forget my story during this period. I'll try my best to see if I can resolve this issue as soon as possible but it shouldn't extended past this month.  Thank you for playing and silently sticking with me so far and I hope you'll still be here when I'm finally able to release the next version.

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hi there i just want to comment saying that i really enjoyed what you have put out so far its really impressive, there are some inconsistencies is dialogue but that is to be expected, so keep up the work and i look forward to the next update and hope everything goes okay with getting your laptop working good again will donate soon.

Thank you very much for the feedback. Sometimes at 3am I think about a few moments in what In what I've written so far and become completely overwhelmed by cringe. I don't think I'll be able to have a good night's sleep until I rewrite those parts so that is the first thing I'll do once I get my laptop in order.

Also can you please point out some of the places with issues so I can fix them up before the next release ? 

Thanks  again for the feedback, the almost complete lack of it has had me worried for quite sometime.

i will play through it again and take some notes on the inconsistencies and also maybe take some screenshots if you want

That would be much appreciated.

hi there so i went back through and found some of the grammatical errors i took some screenshots but im sorry if they are not much help lol, i also wrote down some maybe quality of life changes, but they are just suggestions as you're the one developing the game so what you says goes here is a link with the screenshots and also my notes, i hope this helps it really has been a wonderful game so far and i cant wait for the next update, let me know if something is wrong with the link

The link works, thank you. I'll fix these as soon as my laptop is up and running.